days until leaving for good
: :

days since arrival
: :

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Alright ... how to say it? I kind if knew it... It's been few days I am telling everybody there is something wrong with the back tires, recently it started to be a bit noisy but I was still the only one to hear and feel it!

Yesterday, at the diner break, I noticed one back right tire was too smooth and the left one had some irregular areas... This morning, looking at it with some day light, We can see the structure of the tire... No choice, we probably could have finish the few miles with this but not without risk for sure... We don't want to crash the car few hours away from our goal!!

After the breakfast, we drove the car with Pifi to a mechanic close by the hotel and they will change both tired within an hour and a half... it's 9:30, we should be gone by 11:15 am, time to get the car back to the hotel load it and go!

So we have more than an hour to relax a little bit, some of us are watching TV, "geeking" on the laptop, sleeping, or, like me, enjoying the sun at the swimming pool of the hotel! (and giving new this bad but safe news).

I'll post pics later of the tires. for now, i am going back to the pool!!!!

Thanks a lot for all your comments and next RDV is tonight for the story of our visit in Washington and Baltimore.

Bye bye


Anonymous said...

Bonjour mon Homme,
ca sent un peu l'ecurie je pense.......le voyage touche a sa fin !
Merci pour tes bonnes photos de Cap Canaveral et toutes ces fusees et autres navettes, tres interessant !
Ah, lovely Charleston !
Pas de chance pour les pneus, mais il vaut mieux faire ce que tu as fait et arriver sains et saufs... et tant que la voiture marche bien, c'est tant mieux.

Je suis rentre tout a l'heure de GVE, et j'ai plein de boulot.

Je pars demain pour le Grand Berger, et te telephonerai.

Je t'embrasse et te souhaite une bonne fin de voyage.
A te lire sur ton blog des lundi ( a moins que deja demain ..)

Ton Papa

dirac said...

You've done it right! Looking at the tires pics I'd say they couldn't stand any longer without risk!
Good tie to rest in the pool anyway :)
I saw the pics from DC too, very cool. Your travel is almost finished! Very nice one.