Day 18, (Wednesday, July 16th)
From: Charleston, SC
To: Washington, DC
Miles: ~600 (The car is right next to the door, but too lazy to check the mileage)
Time in the car: 10 hours
Weather conditions: Sunny
Traffic conditions: OK
Today’s road:
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Events: (Times given in EST)
09:00 AM, Leaving the hotel
02:45 PM, Leaving Charleston, SC
05:00 PM, Crossing border to North Carolina
09:30 PM, Crossing border to Virginia
12:00 AM, Crossing border to Delaware
01:30 AM, Arrived at the hotel (Salisbury)
Quick one today because we had a long way, and it’s late and I am tired!!
In the morning, we visited Charleston, just walking around and seeing all these nice houses with the colonial style. In the bay, we saw some dolphins!! First time I see some completely wild!! Then, we visited a bit farer away from the city, the fort Moultry (which should remind something to my cousin & his wife!!). Very interesting and nice souvenirs :P
We left and drove all the way to Delaware, taking the Bridge / Tunnel to cross the bay! Kind of cool! :)
To: Washington, DC
Miles: ~600 (The car is right next to the door, but too lazy to check the mileage)
Time in the car: 10 hours
Weather conditions: Sunny
Traffic conditions: OK
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Day18 |
Today’s road:
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Events: (Times given in EST)
09:00 AM, Leaving the hotel
02:45 PM, Leaving Charleston, SC
05:00 PM, Crossing border to North Carolina
09:30 PM, Crossing border to Virginia
12:00 AM, Crossing border to Delaware
01:30 AM, Arrived at the hotel (Salisbury)
Quick one today because we had a long way, and it’s late and I am tired!!
In the morning, we visited Charleston, just walking around and seeing all these nice houses with the colonial style. In the bay, we saw some dolphins!! First time I see some completely wild!! Then, we visited a bit farer away from the city, the fort Moultry (which should remind something to my cousin & his wife!!). Very interesting and nice souvenirs :P
We left and drove all the way to Delaware, taking the Bridge / Tunnel to cross the bay! Kind of cool! :)
Salut cousin,
Alors Charleston est toujours aussi beau? Avec toujours autant d'animation le soir?
Je vois que as encore qqs souvenirs de notre visite...!!!
Bon courage pour tes derniers instants aux Etats-Unis...
On t'embrasse bien fort
Tes cousins les visiteurs ...
coucou ....
ça y est déménagement fait, rangement en cours, internet marche pas, téléphone non plus.;;arrrrrrrrrg!!!!!!!!
j'espère que tout va bien, nous pensons très fort a toi et t'embrassons de tout notre coeur
sof, olive et bibou
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