days until leaving for good
: :

days since arrival
: :

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Canada Trip

I posted this file written by Clemence, Sybille, Donald and myself. Enjoy!!

You can find all the pictures there:
From Sybille
From Clemence
From Paola & Nicola
From Youb

Date 05-26-06

After leaving work, we went to pick up Huber’s friends at the train station. Thanks for the guy very driver… Two cute girls. Sybille and Clem

Then we got ready. All kind of plugs, starting with the tomtom, laptop, extended hard drive. We have the stock of bottle of water…we don t have enough place for ours bags…The car looks like the Radio Shack store with all these electronic stuff. Since we are talking about electronic stuff our friend got jealous so he needed to by a device as well so we went to Comp USA. Here is where the trip starts. We have a little of traffic near NY we can shut back the car to a cabriolet ..Thank you for Donald to change ma English…Long drive for about 6 hours and the tomtom tells that we are not even half away to Canada. Huber asks for break. It is almost 1 am. Tomtom gives us directions to a closes hotel. We get in but no one at the reception desk. Finally someone showed up. Got the rooms and went upstairs, second floor. The rooms where next to each other and there was a door connection between them. So we opened the doors and it became like one big house. We were so tired so we failed to sleep right away. After taking a shower in the morning at 7:30 am we found out two things that kind of changed our mood:

  1. We had forgotten the tomtom CD that we needed to download the maps of Canada.
  2. One of our friends had forgotten the passport at home.

Now we have to drive him to Syracuse in order for him to tale the bus back to NYC.

At this point we are all hungry J ai faim in french…as we did not have breakfast yet. Can’t wait to eat. One of the girls on the back is always sleeping.

We arrive near the bus station so bye bye see you later…

Just at the border before showing our passports we get to the duty free for a small shopping. On the parking lot we start playing soccer. Now it is time to cross the border.

Yeeeeeeaahhhhhhhhh we are in Canada!!! First stop at a place that we don’t even know the name. Stopping on front of a fast food parking lot and started playing volleyball. We see a sign “fly day”. We go but unfortunately the tickets we already sold for that day. We continue our trip to Ottawa. We stop there for lunch. The food was delicious as well the Canada beer. The city is beautiful. It is a mix of European and American style. The park is beautiful. Walking around the city where are a lot of restaurants and street fares. Done with this city. Start driving to Montreal. About 2 hours trip and we are in Montreal. Looking for hotel but all of them are already full. Finally we got one, just the way we wanted. One big apartment with two bedrooms, living room, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. The living room is big enough to play soccer so why not. We move the table and the TV out of the living room and here the match starts. The ball goes to quick from one side to the other of the room. Someone hit the picture on the wall but unfortunately could not break it. Now time to party. Taking a cab to downtown Montreal. A lot of people on the streets. A long line to enter a club but the manager of the club does not make us wait on that line as son as she finds out that we are tourists. The club is huge with three floors where in each floor is played different kind of music. Our favorite is the second floor, techno music. Having a couple of drinks and a lot of dancing until 2am. We are tired and need to go back to the room. Walking up in the morning at 10 am and went for breakfast. After we were done with the breakfast time to jump into the cars and head to another city called …The place is next to a lake. After rented some canoes and kayak, we went to have lunch in a French boulangerie. Saumon and rillettes were really delicisous (the check too…). After this nice moment in Magog, We get back in the car and drove until the border to start thinking about coming back home, or closer. We stopped 2 or 3 hours after the border in a motel, 3 rooms: the girls, the couple and the last one for Donald & Hubert. Breakfast at McDonald to get back to the road for 5 hours of driving. An hour before arriving, after leaving a rest area, the Hubert’s car has a tire starting to blow up. So we changed it with the spare tire and drove slower. We arrive at home around 2pm, that was a nice trip: 3 days, 1300 miles, start at 7 people, back at 6, 2 country, 6 states, 2 cars, only smiles and sunny just when needed J


Anonymous said...

Mon fréro!!!!!
Alors je vois que tu as passé un excellent week end with your friends!! je vois que tu t'es bien amusé!je crois avoir compris your novel!!! (tu as vu je parle un peu english...pardon l'anglais!le fait d'être bilingue ne me réussit pas, je mélange les 2 langues!!!!!lol :D) Sinon moi j'ai fini les cours vendredi!ENFIN!! je suis en révisions pour le bac qui commence le 12/06 C'est une date super importante==>Philosophie!Ah oui c'est ton anniversaire ce jour là!!Quelle belle journée se sera :)!!
je t'embrasse très très fort!
Ta soeurette à qui tu manques beaucoup!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ooh mon youb ca fait tellement plaisir de voir pleins de photos de toi..
on se demandait si tu avais pris du poid mais non !!!:)papa, nous l avait confirmé et nous avons la preuve en image!!
je finis les cours demain mardi 6juin..
le 12 apres midi mon bac svt dans le 15eme et le 13 matin francais et sinon je suis convoquee le 26 juin a 10h pour l oral et devine ou???
LA TOUR rien que d y rerentrer je vais stresser!
comme dit alix le 12 juin c est un grand jour esperons qu il nous portera chance!
je t embrasse tres fort
je pense fort a toi

Anonymous said...

coucou fréro chéri, alors, super trip ?tu devais être content de partir avec des amis, c'est sympa de retrouver clemence! j'espère que tout va bien et que tu as la pêche, comment se passe le boulot? et le free time ?(moi aussi je suis bilingue:)))nous il fait enfin beau........dingue, on y croyait plus!!! Olivier est à fond ds son mémoire dc c'est pas très marrant pour nous (bambinou et moi)mais on le soutient comme on peut (c'est à dire se taire et ne pas faire de bruit!!!!pr bamb c'est facile, pr moi un peu moins;))au cabinet tout va bien même si on ne voit pas l'ombre d'une remplaçante pointer le bout de son nez:( et au CAMSP, RAS!!! voili voilou, on pense plus que très très fort à toi, tu nous manque et on se réjuoit de te voir un de ces 4...
énormes bisous
Sophie, Olivier et Bambinou (j'oubliais de te dire, il bouge comme un petit fou, on voit même mon ventre bouger!!)

Anonymous said...

Alors attention c'est tante Martine qui refait une tentation sur le web!!!! mais c'est parce que aujourd'hui c'est un grand jour pour toi et je voulais justement te souhaiter un très joyeux anniversaire ; je te fais confiance tu vas surement fêter cela avec tes amis !! j'espere que cette fois-ci tu vas recevoir ce mail et que ce n'est pas pour autant que je vais planter l'ordi!!!je prendrai davantage de temps une prochaine fois mais pour ce soir je vais juste m'arrêter au tait de te souhaiter un très joyeux anniversaire et je t'embrasse bien fort pour cette occasion.