Day 16, (Monday, July 14th)
From: Miami, FL
To: Orlando, FL
Miles: 539
Time in the car: 11 hours
Weather conditions: Rainy
Traffic conditions: OK
Today’s road:
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Events: (Times given in EST)
08:00 AM, Leaving Miami Beach, FL
11:30 PM, Arrived in Titusville, FL
Early departure for a big day I was waiting for a long time: Direction Key West, the southern point in Florida and in the USA!! I was told many times this place is absolutely fantastic to see and to visit.
I started driving and thanks god the road to get there has some very nice landscapes around because it’s pretty slow to drive and there is no way to go over the limit, cops car are everywhere. It took us more than 2 hours to get to Key West taking the route 1 up to the end. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t with us, all the way there, it rained few drops of huge showers and the sun never showed up.
Arrived there, we parked the car to walk around and see what Key West looks like. We visited the house of the famous writer, Ernest Hemingway, kind of interesting :) Then we headed to the southern point of the USA for a picture close to that big thing, we were there!!! In the plans, we wanted to get a bath in the sea but before, a good lunch was required! We stayed in a “restaurant”, it was a “booee booee”, just a kitchen surrounded with many many things coming from all over: the piers, the road, pieces of wood, metal or plastic... And all these gave a real “charm” to the place. The food was pretty good. We enjoyed :) Once this done, we looked for a beach and get dressed for the bath! But no way to find a correct beach and the only public one we found had some signs all over to warn us about important bacteria activity ... we gave and get back on the road to drive up the Titusville. A place close to Cap Canaveral, place we will visit tomorrow!
To: Orlando, FL
Miles: 539
Time in the car: 11 hours
Weather conditions: Rainy
Traffic conditions: OK
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Day16 |
Today’s road:
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Events: (Times given in EST)
08:00 AM, Leaving Miami Beach, FL
11:30 PM, Arrived in Titusville, FL
Early departure for a big day I was waiting for a long time: Direction Key West, the southern point in Florida and in the USA!! I was told many times this place is absolutely fantastic to see and to visit.
I started driving and thanks god the road to get there has some very nice landscapes around because it’s pretty slow to drive and there is no way to go over the limit, cops car are everywhere. It took us more than 2 hours to get to Key West taking the route 1 up to the end. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t with us, all the way there, it rained few drops of huge showers and the sun never showed up.
Arrived there, we parked the car to walk around and see what Key West looks like. We visited the house of the famous writer, Ernest Hemingway, kind of interesting :) Then we headed to the southern point of the USA for a picture close to that big thing, we were there!!! In the plans, we wanted to get a bath in the sea but before, a good lunch was required! We stayed in a “restaurant”, it was a “booee booee”, just a kitchen surrounded with many many things coming from all over: the piers, the road, pieces of wood, metal or plastic... And all these gave a real “charm” to the place. The food was pretty good. We enjoyed :) Once this done, we looked for a beach and get dressed for the bath! But no way to find a correct beach and the only public one we found had some signs all over to warn us about important bacteria activity ... we gave and get back on the road to drive up the Titusville. A place close to Cap Canaveral, place we will visit tomorrow!
Bonjour mon Homme,
que de recits et de photos apres ces 3 jours de bon week end !
j'aime bine New Orleans, mais peut etre estce un peu humide non ?? mais le quartier Hispano Francais me parait bien agreable, il faudra que j'aille la bas un jour.
Key west , fantastique ! la egalement il faudra que j'y aille, vegetation luxuriante, magnifiques paysages.......on a l'impression que c'est au bout du monde.............(il ne faut pas le dire aux americains car ils pensent deja que le monde c'est eux ! )
Et avez vous vu des crocodiles ??? et des bateaux qui reviennnet de la peche avec un espadon volier ou autre requin suspendu le long de la coque ???
Bravo en tous cas pour ce reportage fameux.
Dommage pour le temps, il faudra y retourner quand il fera beau......
Je t'embrasse et te souhiate ainsi qu'a toute ta bande une bonne continuation, bonne route et surtout continue de nous envoyer tous ces commentaires + photos qui nous font rever !
Ton Papa
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