Day 12, (Thursday, July 10th)
From: Tucson, AZ
To: San Antonio, TX
Miles: 692
Time in the car: 10 hours
Weather conditions: Rainy / Mostly cloudy
Traffic conditions: Loaded in El Paso, TX
Today’s road:
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Events: (Times given in MST)
09:30 AM, Leaving the Hotel
11:15 AM, Crossing border to New Mexico
02:00 PM, Crossing border to Texas
10:00 AM, Arrived in Sonora, TX
Wake up, wake up, wake up!! They couldn’t wake me up this morning, even after Pifi jumped on my bed!! Lol. A good breakfast / coffee arranged the thing and we took the road to go to El Paso. I was driving first while the 2 others finished there night :)
Weather is not too good, lots of showers and we had to stop the car few times because of one of the wipers which get a bit tired. Its sliding out of the rail, but I think I fixed it for good now. It will finish the trip like this and, hopefully, we won’t have more rain!
Arrived in El Paso, we parked the car and walk around to figure out the Mexican ambiance. It’s kind of nice, Hispanic music in the street, a lot of stored selling... whatever: clothes (lots of), kitchen stuff, music, or other crappy things! We saw the border with Mexico: lot’s of queue coming from Mexico (we all know how the custom are in the USA ;) ) and pretty fast to go the other way. To make sure we don’t run into some troubles, we didn’t cross it. Looks easy to go but not to come back! Instead, we looked for a restaurant, a typical one with Mexican food (taking the risk to have to stop many times on the highway for bathroom!!). We couldn’t find something good enough, we just got something in a Chicken Church fastfood :)
Back on the road, we decided to stop before reaching San Antonio. The thing is that now, we are crossing the country from West to East and instead of gaining hours with the different timezones, we are loosing hours! We passed 2 hours already today, so it’s 2 hours later, so we have to wake up 2 hours earlier ... following? Me, yes and it sucks!! Lol (Actually, to mess around a bit more with this, we didn’t crossed 2 timezones. The state of Arizona doesn’t apply summer time change. Still following?)
To: San Antonio, TX
Miles: 692
Time in the car: 10 hours
Weather conditions: Rainy / Mostly cloudy
Traffic conditions: Loaded in El Paso, TX
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Day12 |
Today’s road:
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Events: (Times given in MST)
09:30 AM, Leaving the Hotel
11:15 AM, Crossing border to New Mexico
02:00 PM, Crossing border to Texas
10:00 AM, Arrived in Sonora, TX
Wake up, wake up, wake up!! They couldn’t wake me up this morning, even after Pifi jumped on my bed!! Lol. A good breakfast / coffee arranged the thing and we took the road to go to El Paso. I was driving first while the 2 others finished there night :)
Weather is not too good, lots of showers and we had to stop the car few times because of one of the wipers which get a bit tired. Its sliding out of the rail, but I think I fixed it for good now. It will finish the trip like this and, hopefully, we won’t have more rain!
Arrived in El Paso, we parked the car and walk around to figure out the Mexican ambiance. It’s kind of nice, Hispanic music in the street, a lot of stored selling... whatever: clothes (lots of), kitchen stuff, music, or other crappy things! We saw the border with Mexico: lot’s of queue coming from Mexico (we all know how the custom are in the USA ;) ) and pretty fast to go the other way. To make sure we don’t run into some troubles, we didn’t cross it. Looks easy to go but not to come back! Instead, we looked for a restaurant, a typical one with Mexican food (taking the risk to have to stop many times on the highway for bathroom!!). We couldn’t find something good enough, we just got something in a Chicken Church fastfood :)
Back on the road, we decided to stop before reaching San Antonio. The thing is that now, we are crossing the country from West to East and instead of gaining hours with the different timezones, we are loosing hours! We passed 2 hours already today, so it’s 2 hours later, so we have to wake up 2 hours earlier ... following? Me, yes and it sucks!! Lol (Actually, to mess around a bit more with this, we didn’t crossed 2 timezones. The state of Arizona doesn’t apply summer time change. Still following?)
Bonjour mon Homme,
merci pour ces photos toujours tres bonnes et surtout interessantes.
Ces immenses trains de cters viennent de Houston pour alimenter le nord du Mexique. Pas de cters MSC parce que nous preferons le faire par la mer ayant plusieurs services hebdo sur les ports mexicains.
Attention a la fatigue....pour la conduite.
Maman, Jeanne et Wanrdille sont partis pur le Grand berger ce matin, moi je prends le train ce soir;Bison fute prevoit une journee noire a partir de cet apres midi.....
Je t'embrasse et te souhiate bonne route pour Houston.
Ton Papa
Photos magnifiques!!!!!
j'espère que tu profites bien de tout cela...
je t'embrasse bien fort et te souhaite une très bonne journée!!!
Hi man,
you've been driving a looooot!!! Judging from your pics, you didn't stop much in LA. I wonder if you wandered a bit in Farmington area, looking for damn *!%&*hole detective Mackey :D
Anyway, it doesn't look like an impressive place...
Much better Vegas, sounds quite fun! Did you try to steal from the Bellagio?
Also NM and TX look like very interesting places. It's a pity it's been raining, but I'm sure it's going to be better.
Coucou Hubert,
Nous partons avec les nefants faire du bateau dès demain et pour qq jours alors pas beaucoup de temps pour profiter des récits et photos de ton voyage mais on pense bien à toi! Tu nous raconteras à ton retour....!
Profites en bien et à très bientôt.
Charlotte, Pierre, Grégoire, Blanche et Armelle.
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