Day 05 (Thursday, July 3rd)
Day 05, (Thursday, July 3rd)
From: West YellowStone, MT
To: Seattle, WA
Miles: 879
Time in the car: 16h00
Weather conditions: Mostly Sunny
Traffic conditions: Good
Number of stops: 5 + the ones in the park
Todays road:
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06:25 AM, Leaving West YellowStone, MT
06:26 AM, Crossing border to Wyoming
12:52 PM, Leaving YellowStone national park
12:53 PM, Crossing border to Montana
07:34 PM, Crossing border to Idaho
08:37 PM, Crossing border to Washington
12:30 AM, Arrived in Seattle, WA
Another early wake up!! This one was decided to spend more time in the park. The time we spent the day before just convinced us to put the clock at 5 and leave at 6 AM.
Before entering the park, we filled up the tank of the car and headed up to the park which is approx 22 seconds far from the hotel we were. Nice hotel by the way. See the pics, all made of wood, very “rustic”.
We entered the park to go south on the main loop. We stopped in many places. So many things to see (see the number of pics!!). We put the top down of the car pretty quickly to enjoy the view!! But the most amazing one was the old faitfull geyser. We can say we are kind of lucky. The geyser is supposed to erupt every 50 to 120 mins. We just seated there and 10 mins after, the show! Great :) but wait! It’s not it!! We decided to keep walking a bit to see other things around: including another geyser supposed to erupt every 10 hours to 5 days! And there you go, the eruption right for us!! Amazing. Simply amazing! We were really close, and it last for few minutes so I had time to shoot many pics, and even a video!! We exited the park going north to get back on the way which is taking us to Seattle: 1125 km to go!
The way to Seattle is really long. While I was sleeping, Pifi saw one of these boxes to put the cat inside, on the middle lane of the highway. I really hope it was empty!! Lol. I also called the family I met in Oregon to let them know we were on time!! They are expecting us tomorrow for diner on 4th of July! I am really looking forward to see them again after almost 10 years. Pifi drives, Matthieu drives and I finish up the thing by night to arrive at 12:30 AM at the hotel, happy to be there. The landscape was really beautiful all the way, we crossed the rocky mountains, and every day I am filling up my brain with all these pictures. We also stopped (and go) in a really really weird local gas station with only one pump and no price displayed. We left pretty quickly, but after taking (and laughing about) a great pictures: A display for the testicle festival!!!
Right now, I am kind of tired! I am writing this post from the hotel, seating by the window, looking at the space needle. A little jacuzzi time before going to sleep :)
From: West YellowStone, MT
To: Seattle, WA
Miles: 879
Time in the car: 16h00
Weather conditions: Mostly Sunny
Traffic conditions: Good
Number of stops: 5 + the ones in the park
Todays road:
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Day05 |
06:25 AM, Leaving West YellowStone, MT
06:26 AM, Crossing border to Wyoming
12:52 PM, Leaving YellowStone national park
12:53 PM, Crossing border to Montana
07:34 PM, Crossing border to Idaho
08:37 PM, Crossing border to Washington
12:30 AM, Arrived in Seattle, WA
Another early wake up!! This one was decided to spend more time in the park. The time we spent the day before just convinced us to put the clock at 5 and leave at 6 AM.
Before entering the park, we filled up the tank of the car and headed up to the park which is approx 22 seconds far from the hotel we were. Nice hotel by the way. See the pics, all made of wood, very “rustic”.
We entered the park to go south on the main loop. We stopped in many places. So many things to see (see the number of pics!!). We put the top down of the car pretty quickly to enjoy the view!! But the most amazing one was the old faitfull geyser. We can say we are kind of lucky. The geyser is supposed to erupt every 50 to 120 mins. We just seated there and 10 mins after, the show! Great :) but wait! It’s not it!! We decided to keep walking a bit to see other things around: including another geyser supposed to erupt every 10 hours to 5 days! And there you go, the eruption right for us!! Amazing. Simply amazing! We were really close, and it last for few minutes so I had time to shoot many pics, and even a video!! We exited the park going north to get back on the way which is taking us to Seattle: 1125 km to go!
The way to Seattle is really long. While I was sleeping, Pifi saw one of these boxes to put the cat inside, on the middle lane of the highway. I really hope it was empty!! Lol. I also called the family I met in Oregon to let them know we were on time!! They are expecting us tomorrow for diner on 4th of July! I am really looking forward to see them again after almost 10 years. Pifi drives, Matthieu drives and I finish up the thing by night to arrive at 12:30 AM at the hotel, happy to be there. The landscape was really beautiful all the way, we crossed the rocky mountains, and every day I am filling up my brain with all these pictures. We also stopped (and go) in a really really weird local gas station with only one pump and no price displayed. We left pretty quickly, but after taking (and laughing about) a great pictures: A display for the testicle festival!!!
Right now, I am kind of tired! I am writing this post from the hotel, seating by the window, looking at the space needle. A little jacuzzi time before going to sleep :)
les gesers sont amusants et vs avez eu de la chance si j'ai bien compris!j'avais pas vu la google map! c'est parfait,j'espère que la nuit a été bonne. ravi de d'entendre au tel.Je t'embrasse Mum
tres content de t'avoir entendu au tel hier (soir pour nous ). Bravo pour ton reportage , c'est tres interessant, magnifiques paysages ! j'ai l'impression de revoir des vieux flms du Far West, superbes.
J'ai l'impression que vous etes passes a Yellow Stone une journee trop tot car le lendemain de votre passage il y a eu feu d'artifice extraordinaire pour cause de Indepedant day !
Content egalement de savoir que l'ambiance est bonne et que tout le monde est content.
Prochaine etape SAN FRANCISCO ! Alcatraz + Golden gate Bridge + cable cars + Fisherman Wharf + la rue qui serpente ( fameux flm : Bullit )j'espere que vous aurez beau temps. Il y a aussi un magasin immense de jeans pas tres loin de Fisherman Wharf, mais quand je dis immense, c'est immense : aussi grand qu'un IKEA chez nous.......a des prix incroyable !
Je t'embrasse et te souhaite une bonne journee + bonne route
A bientot au tel
Ton Papa
bonjour Hubert
je n'ai pas encore reussi � trouver comment voir les photos que tu envoies avec ton blog ..
je pense que �a viendra ..un peu lentement ..
mais je lis tes comments en anglais et je m'exerce ainsi ..� l'anglais..pour mieux le parler avec mon petit-fils !
� San francisco , tu rencontreras peut etre mon amie Jacotte Richard , d'Annecy, venue voir se enfants et petits-enfants qui y habitent ...!
bons gros kiss
Tte Sabine
ça y est , j'ai vu les photos : superbes paysages de films..
pinces-toi Hubert , es tu sur de ne pas réver ?
Tte sabine
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